Elinor Wonders Why Imprint Coloring Book
Elinor Wonders Why Imprint Coloring Book aims to encourage children to follow their curiosity, ask questions when they don’t understand and find answers using science inquiry skills.
The most observant and curious bunny rabbit in Animal Town, Elinor will introduce kids to science, nature and community. Elinor Wonders Why center around Elinor and her friends: Ari, a funny and imaginative bat, and Olive, a perceptive and warm elephant. As kids explore Animal Town, they will meet all kinds of interesting, funny, and quirky characters, each with something to teach us about respecting others, the importance of diversity, caring for the environment, and working together to solve problems.
Elinor Wonders Why encourages children to ask their own questions and experience the joy of discovery and understanding together.

Elinor Wonders Why Imprint Coloring Book
The ColoringBook.com set of imprint coloring & activity books used by businesses, the promotional and specialty advertising industry, schools, churches, groups and organizations nationwide. 16 pages or more with saddle stitch binding and full color front and back cover.
Elinor Wonders Why Imprint Coloring Book. Showcase business information on front, 2 tall x 8.5 wide. On back of book 5.5 tall x 8.5 wide, Art, games 14+ pages.
All copyright and trademark rights are reserved by their respective owners. Brand Awareness is kept at a premium.
The Elinor Wonders Why® Coloring Book Official is listed for wholesale purchase on the website https://wholesalecoloringbooks.com . This is also a property of Really Big Coloring Books®.
To view other PBS KIDS® character coloring books products click here: https://coloringbook.com/coloring-books/pbs-kids-coloring-books/

4 imprint areas per book with NO SET UP fees and Complimentary Color. USA Made – St. Louis at ColoringBook.com
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